
Are you looking for the best CBSE schools in Mohali?

  Laying solid foundations from a young age is the cornerstone of raising brighter, kinder, and better citizens. With the foundation of quality in children, it helps them reach their potential in various aspects of life, including social, emotional and physical. We pride ourselves on being the Top CBSE Schools in Mohali . Take a look at the following ways to build a strong and valuable foundation for our students. Upbringing: Continuous support and encouragement for children is crucial to providing them with an optimistic, comforting and loving environment. Discipline - Ensure preventive, supportive and corrective discipline is provided. It includes guidance, good manners, etc. Many virtues, such as professional success, can be generated through concentration and staying healthy. Identify strengths and interests: We encourage our students to spend time doing what they love and enjoy. We show you how to use what you love as an outlet when things don't go your way. In this way, ch

CBSE schools in Mohali Chandigarh Tricity | Top schools

  AIS, Mohali is among the top CBSE schools in Mohali Chandigarh Tricity due to its extensive educational programme. Every tiny aspect of a student's experience and behavior in school is carefully considered before the curriculum and co-curricular activities are selected. We are the greatest school in Mohali because we care about each and every Amitian and want to ensure their success in the future. Teaching Techniques In order to provide students with a comprehensive education that prepares them to be autonomous, lifelong learners, and above all, responsible global citizens, a range of teaching-learning approaches are used, coupled with technology. Body, mind, and spirit growth are all given equal consideration. In order to help pupils succeed, teachers provide them the individualized attention they need. All classes receive consistently high marks thanks to an intensive academic curriculum that is prepared and reviewed on a regular basis. This one of the reasons why AIS Mohali i

Chandigarh Top schools | CBSE Affiliated

  Here are Amity benefits which is why we’re on the top of best CBSE schools in CHD . Sports and Co-curriculum activities Co-curricular activities fuel your learning by stimulating creative thought, improving your social and organizational skills, developing your interests and talents, and offering you the chance to switch off and do something you really enjoy. At Amity, students are taught to be comprehensive and this is ensured by their participation in diverse co- curriculum courses and sports.  Global Exposure Your child gets multiple opportunities to travel and get a global exposure in competitive field. This helps in display a variety of culture to students at an early age which is beneficial to them as it develops their communication and interactive skills with different people and environment.  Academic Excellence Amity is one of Chandigarh top schools CBSE , due to its premium academics and smartly curated educational structure. We focus on qualitative education with carefu